Course Methodology
This course will cover a wide range of learning methods including explanatory slides, case studies, and detailed examination of Excel models in an interactive workshop style environment.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Develop a deep understanding of the key elements within the Basel III regulatory framework
- Understand the key metrics and procedures for assessing credit risk, market risk and operational risk
- Understand the vital importance of stress testing as the cornerstone of risk management
- Apply analytical skills for the identification of concentration of credit risk, concentration of funding risk, and systemic liquidity risk
- Develop and formulate procedures and policies with respect to the best practice implementation of stress modelling and associated risk management protocols
Target Audience
This course is suitable for all those working in the banking industry, as well as wealth managers, auditors, and treasury and product control professionals.
Target Competencies
- Regulation compliance
- Scenario generation
- Stress testing - methodological issues
- Best practice implementation of stress modelling
- Thought leadership
Understanding The Role Of Regulatory Bank Capital
- Overview of financial statements of banks – accounting principles
- Composition of the balance sheet – types of assets and liabilities
- Understanding the key elements of the P&L - statement of income
- Review of the distinction between the banking book and the trading book
- The equity capital of financial institutions
- Illustration of the contrast between liquidity and solvency issues
- Distinguish between going concern and gone concern capital
- Explanation of bail-in able capital
- Accounting and regulatory definitions for own funds
- Prudential filters and revaluation reserves, AOCI
- Treatment of goodwill, intangibles, deferred tax assets
- Treatment of securitizations and off-balance sheet exposures
Requirements for Qualifying Capital under Basel III
- Definitions of Regulatory Capital – Core Tier 1, Tier 2
- Core Tier 1 – equity capital and disclosed reserves
- Supplementary Capital – Tier 2 – subject to discretion of supervisor/central bank
- Hybrid capital – Contingent Capital Instruments (CoCo’s)
- Subordinated debt - bail-in instruments
- Short-term subordinated debt covering market risk (Tier 3)
- Loss absorbency requirements
- Deductions from capital – goodwill and subsidiaries
- Supervisory discretion over cross holdings of other banks
Basel Treatment of Market Risk
- Value at Risk (VaR) – rationale, theory and methods of calculation
- Limitations of parametric VaR
- What about tail risk – does VaR capture this adequately?
- Expected Shortfall and FRTB
- Risk weightings for market risk
- Standardized approach
- Interest rate risk in both the trading book and banking book
- Overview of Internal Models Approach (IMA)
- Impact of market risk on instruments in the trading book
- Volatility and market stress
- Incremental Risk Charge
- Off Balance Sheet items
Operational Risk under Basel
- Definition of Operational Risk introduced into the Basel II framework
- The life cycle of Operational Risk
- Basel measurement approaches to be phased out by 2023:
- Basic Indicator
- Standard Approach
- Advanced Measurement Approaches
- Revised Standardized Approach replaces previous three methods
- Risk weightings under each approach
- Rogue trading – severity of losses
- Scenario generation – KRI’s, management involvement in adverse scenario modelling
- Quantifying the exposure and severity of “outliers” and tail risk
- Loss Distribution Approach (LDA) and Scenario Based Analysis (SBA)
- Application of VaR techniques to operational risk (Op VaR)
- Loss identification – measurement, management, monitoring, reporting
- Integrating operational risk management into the organizational risk management framework
Alternatives to using external credit ratings
- Developing internal scoring models for assessing corporate loan exposures
- Contrast of developed and emerging economy approaches to credit risk assessment
Credit Concentration Risk and Large Exposures
- Concentration risk - not adequately captured under the Pillar One approaches
- Brief summary of the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP)
- Treatment of Concentration Risk within the Pillar II ICAAP framework
- Identifying sectoral concentration risk – general principles
- Quantifying concentration risk in GCC
Modelling and Stress Testing
- Explanation of the techniques for conducting stress tests
- Back testing using historical returns
- Scenario generation - stress testing using hypothetical returns
- Sizes of historical samples – are they sufficiently large to include wide variety of conditions?
- Danger of optimizing risk management parameters - over-fitting to the historical data
- Modelling methods – contingency scenarios
- Limitations of normal distribution as basis for probabilistic modelling
- Quantifying the exposure and severity of “outliers” and tail risk
- Explanation of Stressed Expected Shortfall methods
Drivers of Counter-party Risk (CCR)
- Separating market risk impact on trading positions from CCR