Course Methodology
This course employs diverse interactive training techniques, including plenary discussions, case studies, team exercises, assessments, and questionnaires.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Identify the foundational aspects of the IPSASB, including its history, organizational structure, and the Conceptual Framework, to appreciate the role and scope of IPSAS in public sector financial reporting.
- Apply key IPSAS standards (1, 2, and 3) to the preparation and presentation of financial statements, ensuring compliance with established public sector accounting practices.
- Evaluate and report on financial performance using specific IPSAS standards related to revenue and expenses, enhancing transparency and accountability in public sector financial management.
- Analyze and apply IPSAS requirements for the recognition, measurement, and disclosure of various assets and liabilities to ensure accurate and reliable financial statements.
- Demonstrate an understanding of advanced asset and liability management within the public sector through the application of relevant IPSAS standards.
- Master the principles of consolidation and group financial reporting under IPSAS, including the effects of foreign exchange rates, hyperinflation, and various forms of investment entities.
- Implement robust disclosure practices as per IPSAS guidelines to enhance the clarity and completeness of financial reporting in the public sector.
- Effectively prepare and present financial statements under the cash basis of accounting according to IPSAS, recognizing the specific disclosures and adjustments required.
- Facilitate the successful transition from cash to accrual accounting in public sector entities by applying IPSAS 33 and related guidance, addressing both strategic and practical aspects of the change process.
Target Audience
Accountants, financial analysts, auditors, policy makers, public sector professionals and government officials.
Target Competencies
- IPSAS Understanding
- Accrual Accounting
- Financial Statements
- Accounting Policies
- Financial Analysis
- Ethical Conduct
- The nature & operations of IPSASB & IPSASB Conceptual Framework
- The origins of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB)
- The organisation of the IPSASB
- Key characteristics of public sector entities
- IPSASB on-going projects
- A list of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and corresponding International Accounting Standards (IAS Standards)/lnternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards)
- The purpose of financial statements - The IPSASB Conceptual Framework for General Purpose Financing Reporting by Public Sector Entities
- Financial Statement Presentation and Accounting Policy
- IPSAS 1 - Presentation of Financial Statements
- IPSAS 2 - Cash Flow Statements
- IPSAS 3 - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates, and Errors
- Financial Performance
- IPSAS 9 - Revenue from Exchange Transactions
- IPSAS 11 - Construction Contracts
- IPSAS 23 - Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions
- IPSAS 47 - Revenue
- IPSAS 48 - Transfer Expenses
- Accounting for Assets and Liabilities - Part 1
- IPSAS 5 - Borrowing Costs
- IPSAS 12 – Inventories
- IPSAS 16 - Investment Property
- IPSAS 21 - Impairment of Non-Cash-Generating Assets
- IPSAS 26 - Impairment of Cash-Generating Assets
- IPSAS 31 - Intangible Assets
- IPSAS 43 - Leases
- IPSAS 44 - Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
- IPSAS 45- Property, Plant, and Equipment
- Accounting for Assets and Liabilities - Part 2
- IPSAS 14 - Events After the Reporting Date
- IPSAS 19 - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets
- IPSAS 27 - Agriculture
- IPSAS 28 - Financial Instruments: Presentation
- IPSAS 30 - Financial Instruments: Disclosures
- IPSAS 39 - Employee Benefits
- IPSAS 41 - Financial Instruments
- IPSAS 42 - Social Benefits
- IPSAS 43 - Measurement
- IPSAS 49 - Retirement Benefit Plans
- Consolidation
- IPSAS 4 - The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
- IPSAS 10 - Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies
- IPSAS 34 - Separate Financial Statements
- IPSAS 35 - Consolidated Financial Statements
- IPSAS 36 - Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures
- IPSAS 37 - Joint Arrangements
- IPSAS 38 - Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities
- IPSAS 40 - Public Sector Combinations
- Disclosure Standards and other Topics
- IPSAS 18 - Segment Reporting
- IPSAS 20 - Related Party Disclosures
- IPSAS 22 - Disclosure of Financial Information about the General Government Sector
- IPSAS 24 - Presentation of Budget Information in Financial Statements
- IPSAS 32 - Service Concession Arrangements: Grantor
- Cash basis IPSAS
- Introduction
- Cash Basis IPSAS Part 1 (mandatory)
- Required information in the statement of cash receipts and payments
- Disclosures
- Consolidation under the cash basis
- Treatment of foreign currency cash receipts, payments and balances
- Presentation of budget information in the financial statements
- Public sector entities receiving external assistance
- Cash Basis IPSAS Part 2 (non-mandatory)
- Migrating to the accrual basis IPSASs
- First-time adoption of accrual basis IPSAS